Have you ever been filled with awe while gazing at the sunset... or felt electricity coursing through your body as you explore something new... or been so in love that your heart seemed to turn to light? Then you've already found your way into a meditative state.
These days there is so much out there about meditation - the how, the why, the history, the physiology, the research, and the practices… oh the practices! There are books, apps, websites, and a seemingly endless stream of information. It can be hard to sort through it all, and you may not even know where or how to start.
In my meditation teacher training, I was taught that the most important thing to remember is that meditation is a natural state that anyone can access.
It’s also true that meditation is something we do - a practice, and it’s all too easy to get caught up in the techniques and the how to’s of meditation, forgetting that those techniques are a means to an end and that we are really seeking to evoke an inner state of being.
The techniques we use are our doorways into meditation, and there are an infinite number of them because no one technique works for everyone. If you’ve tried meditating and haven’t been able to relax into it, maybe you just haven’t found your doorway yet, but know that we have all experienced meditative awareness.
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and been suffused with a deep sense of wonder or drifted away merged with your favorite music or felt your heart melt while holding a baby puppy. Meditation is no different than these naturally occurring moments; practicing meditation is intentionally paying attention to these experiences.